nutrition coaching

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Marius Lux
Hey! Happy that you're here!

I am Marius. Nutrition is my passion. After years of having various digestive problems myself and no one could really help me, I decided to take the issue into my own hands. I am convinced that a balanced diet is the foundation for a healthy and happy life. Let's work on this foundation together!

Your individual nutrition

Nutrition is, in my opinion, the most complicated and important part of our lives. Too often, all you hear is "Eat healthy!" - Easier said than done. But healthy eating only works if it fits into your life. Whether it's building muscle, losing or gaining weight, sleeping better, switching to a different diet or fasting. I've tried just about everything and look forward to telling you about my experiences.

How it works

My nutritional counseling is simple and transparent. Your first session is free. After that, each session of 30 minutes costs 29 EUR. Click on the button and book your free initial consultation. I am looking forward to you!

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